
Rima Haile


Tattoo Ceremony | Soul Cleansing Ceremony | Cacao Ceremony | Meditation Sessions

I'm Rima Haile (they/them), a nomadic healer who strives to aid people in remembering, honoring, and connecting with their souls. I carefully create spiritual spaces throughout the world for one to journey with the Earth, plant medicine, and their ancestors. Through my spiritual offerings, I bring people closer to the divine truths of what their hearts, bodies, and souls have to offer them in their healing journey. You can stay connected with Rima on Instagram at @horemonge



    A ceremony from the heart, for the heart, to the heart. This ceremony offers an opportunity to tune in with your heart, set intentions from a loving place, and journey with the spirit of Cacao to heal and release what's no longer serving you.
    • This ceremony includes:
      • Altar creation
      • Smoke cleansing with Palo
      • Santo/Dragon's Blood Incense
      • Cacao
      • Meditation + heart release ritual
    • Flow
      • Together, we build a ceremonial altar based off of your intentions, then cleanse your body, the space, and the Cacao with Palo Santo/Dragon's blood Incense.
      • With gratitude, we then pray over our cup of Cacao, blessing it with our intentions as we drink and allow space
        for it to take us on a journey through our heart portal. We then begin our guided meditation.
      • As we move through our meditation and things within our heart come up, we write down what we need to release and what we want to bring into this space and end
        our meditation setting fire to it. This allows us to activate our intentions and cut all chords with what we've released.
  • SOUL CLEANSING CEREMONYA ceremony by the soul, for the soul, to the soul. Ceremonies are fluid, intuitive, and crafted to your intentions of healing. What type of healing is your soul, body, and heart craving right now?This ceremony offers an opportunity to tune in with the cycle your soul is in, balance any disharmony within the physical body & energetic field, ground yourself, and aid you in finding clarity on what your soul needs in this cycle to heal and evolve.
    • This ceremony includes:
      • Altar creation
      • Smoke cleansing with Palo Santo/Mapacho
      • Rapé administration
      • Meditation & energetic recalibration
      • Poem writing and an oracle reading
    • Flow
      1. Together, we build a ceremonial altar based off of your intentions, cleanse your body and the space with Palo Santo/Mapacho, begin our meditation with questions related to the healing our soul needs in this cycle, then I will guide you through journeying with the Rapé that calls to you and the healing you need.
      2. After I will do energetic recalibration on the body and chakras to balance out your energetic field while singing medicine songs over you, and ask you to write a poem on what wounds and energies come up.
      3. Then I will offer you an oracle reading to provide some wisdom/affirmations/reflection questions to take with you. Together we then close the ceremony with gratitude and cleanse ourselves with dragon's blood incense.