
MoN Founding Theology

The universal source is divinely present in everyone at all times.Ā Deep feelings of connection, wisdom, and clarity are available through the expansiveness of the present momentā€”the ability to bear witness to the present moment with radical acceptanceā€” and in the remembrance of the interconnected nature of life. In remembering that you are me and I am you, as within so without.

All gods, goddesses, other deities, the stars, the Earth, humans, animals, plants, rocks, and all other kin, are all very specific aspects if the Divine manifested in physical form.Ā We are one collective consciousness, source energy.Ā We all come from the same place and from which we will return.

As we transition into the Aquarian age, Isis-Aset is livening in many peopleā€™s hearts, the wisdom of Ancient Kemet, talks of Egypt and the Divine Neteru are whispering in the ears of the collective.Ā 

MoN is here to bring all seekers, healers, and other Earth Stewards together so that we can feel supported on our healing journeys in community with others.Ā Isis-Aset, the Divine Mother of all beings, and Osiris-Asar, are the spirit guides of MoN.

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MoN was founded on theĀ knowledgeĀ that healing and remembering our connection to the cosmic web of life is our birthright and that every being holds spirit.

We're a place to learn from grounded healers, tap into your inherent wisdom, and connect with likeminded community to remember our power to dream a new dream of what's possible on Earth.

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